Friday, 18 October 2024

You Are the Prize: Flourishing in Self-Love and Faith

I am so proud of you, my darling. Every day you wake up, you choose yourself, and I could not be prouder of your progress. Everything changed for the better when you decided to take control of your life. So many nights you cried alone, yet when the sun rose every morning, you wore a brave face, ready to start the day.

Even with a heavy burden, you still listened to others and helped them with theirs. You never turned down anyone who needed your help. Your arms were always wide open, ready to save the day not for a price, but because that’s just who you are.

I understand more than anyone that having a good heart can mislead others into thinking you are a doormat. So, I am so proud that you learned to say "no" when you must. You only help when you can help. I am so proud you stopped going above and beyond for those who wouldn’t even walk a mile for you. And my darling, this makes you authentic because you are being true to yourself.

When you say "yes" when you want to say "no," it makes you a fraud. It leads to resentment of others, hatred of yourself, and losing yourself to please people. I am so proud of how you no longer care what anyone thinks of you because you know who you are in Christ Jesus. I love how you fear God, not man.

As you continue to flourish and bloom like the lily that you are, my prayer is that you keep seeking the truth about who you truly are. Love yourself unapologetically and know that you can rise from anything. It is never too late to achieve anything you set your mind to.

You are the prize, you are the main character in your story move like it, look like it, be it.

I love you, my darling YOU.

"I hope these words serve as a reminder to anyone reading that your progress matters. Take a moment today to celebrate how far you've come. What steps are you taking to love yourself unapologetically?" feel free to comment below, I would love to hear from you xx.


Photo credit: Washington Gwande



Anonymous said...

You didn't have to attack me positively with this post... once again you have delivered an incredible truth. Continue healing and flourishing

MLB said...

Thank you!

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