Pelagia Mutake is my name. Born in a family full of music lovers I had no choice but fall in love with it too.
My late brother Hamilton was on the cool side with the like of Montel Jordan, Donnel Jones etc.... Hillary was in madhudhucha (ZimDancehall) even my mum ended up singing them.
When I was still in Zim worked with Adonis Mudarikiri, King
Labash and those local music was not received very well.
Decided to record my album "For The First Time" but
could not finish it as I had to travel to the UK.
In the UK I worked Obert Mazivisa as her backing vocalist and
helped Sabastain Magacha when he toured UK in 2012. It was a very good
experience and loved it.
Decided to hang my boots for a while doing music and focusing on
other things.
But I guess when music is just in you it will always follow you.
After listening to ZimNet for a while I decided to do jingle for
a friend of mine based in Malaysia Tatenda aka Dj Tait. He then pushed to
become a radio presenter. I hesitated a lot as I had never thought along those
He walked with me throughout the journey, he made Skype calls
showing me what to do.
My very first show I was so nervous and Tatenda was there to
guide me through it. He was like a father teaching her daughter to walk and
stands on the side-lines to watch her grow.
My ZimNet Crew Where It All started thank you so much guys for
the fun times Gamu Gee, Belinda Magejo, HitsMalia, Mowey, Sodza, Chipezeze
& Ladyj am grateful to you guys.
Later joined Zimpowerfm for another project. Started a show
called Reminisce which is sponsored by a t-shirt brand called Reminisce Mgs.
Joining Reminisce was the best decision i ever made. Being part
of the Reminisce team is an amazing experience we laugh, argue but above all
there's so much love. I learnt what professionalism was. I learnt it took more
than a good voice to put up a good show. There is a lot of planning that goes
on before show. (tava pabasa panoitwa kwete zvekutamba) when I get on the
show I don’t play I give it my all.
The year 2016 has been an amazing one I scooped 3 Awards namely. Zimbabwe Achievers Awards (ZAA) Radio Presenter.......Zimbabwe Music & Arts Awards (ZIMAA) Media and Broadcasting....Radio Personality of the Year........ Black African Women Rock (BAWR) Media Personality of the Year
Thank you to my loyal listeners, you guys are simply amazing you have stood by me through it all. Your love and support I will always cherish it.
Thank you for reading & sharing I appreciate you all.