Wednesday 27 July 2016


Blessed day hope you’re all having a great and fruitful day. Today I want to share a few words which made a big impact on my life, I was once so afraid to go after what I knew I deserved. Today that’s changed my mind set has changed through reading the word of God and listening to motivational speakers. Listen to people who have gone ahead of you and failed but never stopped trying. I enjoy listening to Les Brown he’s just so real, his story is just inspiring. He inspires me I hope to meet him one day and just say “thank you Mr Brown”.

Les Brown: Pure Motivation
When you feel like you aren’t doing enough say this to yourself “I’m doing better than good better than most”. Work on yourself spend more time on yourself than what you been doing. Believe in yourself, it takes courage to act. Love yourself enough & be happy sometimes you got to tell the voice in your head to shut up! Stand up to yourself inside yourself.
1.      I can live my dreams
2.      I can find my purpose in life, and live my purpose of- deserve more in life
3.      Experience pain, experience the hard times that’s how you grow.
4.      Get out of your comfort zone & face reality
5.      Keep failing until you succeed no one died from failing they become stronger each
time they fail.

I hope this helps somebody today the same way it helped me. I acted on these words, I didn’t just hear and then sit down do nothing. We all have greatness within us don’t envy anyone’s success. Get up and do something today! listen slow progress is better than no progress at all.

Thank you for reading and sharing I appreciate you and I love you with the love of God. Be blessed today tomorrow and forever. Come again soon.

God bless.


Missymayification said...

Great motivational post, mi lady. Number five resonated with me. We live to learn I always say. May God continue to have mercy on us and strengthen us to do what's right.

queenhorsfall said...

great post! very inspiring

MLB said...

He's too good all the time and forever faithful, it is well with us my lady xxx thank you for passing by xxx

MLB said...

Thank you dearest. Xx

Ajwebb said...

This is really good stuff This is wisdom from god speaking through are blessed Teresa :)
The voices you talk about I'd like to say don't be scared of them you are not mental this is normal.Challenge that negative voice that says you can't, or your ugly or fat or crazy etc. Reinforce the positive everytime you look in the mirror to i can't to I can.
Beleive you are worth it and deserve good things.Walking alongside god. Do the good works of the Lord and becoming more christ like will bring manifestation of your good works. Stay close to God at all times as Satan's deceiving Christians everyday, stay protected in pray ask for angels guidance through god.

Ajwebb said...

This is really good stuff This is wisdom from god speaking through are blessed Teresa :)
The voices you talk about I'd like to say don't be scared of them you are not mental this is normal.Challenge that negative voice that says you can't, or your ugly or fat or crazy etc. Reinforce the positive everytime you look in the mirror to i can't to I can.
Beleive you are worth it and deserve good things.Walking alongside god. Do the good works of the Lord and becoming more christ like will bring manifestation of your good works. Stay close to God at all times as Satan's deceiving Christians everyday, stay protected in pray ask for angels guidance through god.

MLB said...

God bless you we bless his holy name always he's worthy of our praise. He has bought me this far and i believe he will not leave me. Thank you so much for the support and kind words may God bless you abundantly. You are God sent thank you my dearest... x

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