Wednesday, 20 July 2016


Blessed day my dear brethren I hope you gave thanks this morning when you woke up. It’s a great thing to give thanks and praise unto the Lord for he is a faithful God. He is the ancient of days as old as he is he remains the same. Today I’m going to share with you, what happens when you believe and wait upon the Lord Isiah says “But they that wait upon the Lord the Lord shall renew their strength they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run and not be weary and they shall walk and not faint” (Isiah 40:31) KJV
This generation we are very impatient, if we want something we must have it now. But God doesn’t work like that my friend, he does things in his own timing because he sees what is to come, and he knows all. He knows exactly what you want and when he says no to something best believe there is a good reason.
Yesterday God answered one of my big prayer request, which I had been praying for many years. I used to worry so much about it, but my Lord and savior Lord Jesus Christ knew what he was doing. There were times when I would feel discouraged almost losing hope but, I didn’t give up on praying because I knew he is a God who hears and answers. When God move he moving great! I was so overwhelmed I thought maybe I was dreaming, I prayed and I rejoiced in spirit. That very moment I knew doors had been opened, doors that no man can shut. When God says yes no man can say no!
I don’t know what you believing God for, what I do know is he answers be patient and don’t stop praying. Even when you feel discouraged keep on praying. Trust God and read his word meditate on it, all your questions and answers are in his word. “And all things whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing ye shall receive” (Mathew 21:22) KJV
I was once impatient before, but through prayer and submission God humbled me. Today I wait on Him and when he says no to something I want I trust him because he knows what I don’t. “For the Lord shall be thy confidence and shall keep thy foot from being taken” (Proverbs 3:26) KJV

Have a blessed day, may you be fruitful in all you do today. Pray for me and I you, I love you with the love of God.
Thank you for reading and feel free to share. Stay blessed.


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