I had an amazing bank holiday weekend spent it with those closest to me what more could I ask for? I give all the glory to God. My mother is a cook people call her (mama cook) blessed are those who have tasted her cooking it's delicious she never fails to make good food; she can make anything out of the little she has; she never ceases to amaze me.
On Monday, my mother made some delicious breakfast diced steak fried with red peppers, baked beans cooked with tiny sliced onions and red peppers with a bit of all-purpose seasoning, freshly baked long baguette & eggs, I was ready to eat before the food was even ready. And I wasn’t thinking about sharing. The house which my mother lives in there is a lady who lives there with her son, my mom asked me if we should ask them to join us for breakfast, in my mind, I was thinking no why, though. I said ok she saw how my face changed all of a sudden. I served the son first because he was around his mom had gone out, the way he was so thankful I was amazed, his mom come she served herself some food and she was surprised and thankful. My mom was the last one to serve herself and there was still plenty to go round.
I did learn a great lesson, to always be willing to share the little I have with others, no matter how little it may seem to me.
I love my mother and I am so blessed to have her she's one of a kind
I did learn a great lesson, to always be willing to share the little I have with others, no matter how little it may seem to me.
I love my mother and I am so blessed to have her she's one of a kind
Sharing is caring today don’t look at yourself thinking you have nothing to offer you have so much more to offer what might be small in your eyes it’s big in some else eyes.
Like the story in the bible about a boy who had five barley loaves and two small fishes read full story from the book of John 6: 9-13
Thank you for reading and sharing please do comment I love hearing from you all.
God bless you.
Even the bible says there is too much blessings in giving than recieving
That is very true Amen..!!!
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