Wednesday, 1 June 2016


When you ready for change no one can stop you from going after that change, you have to be willing 
 and be ready to make sacrifices. Along the way, you will lose so much yet there is so much more to gain.
My prayer life before I come to be born again was lukewarm that’s the only way to describe it, to be honest. I would pray those 1 min prayers while I’m lying in bed then fall off to sleep, but when I was ready for change my prayer life changed, I started making noise fighting in prayer and it felt good. Everything started falling into place because God took control I cried out to him I surrendered myself to him. Things started changing I was changing I could see visions things that were hidden from me, all this happened because I was ready for the change. Until you ready to get up and fight the real enemy (devil) your life will always be the same.
 It’s not going to be easy you will face temptation, trials, betrayal, but God himself tells us “to be strong and to be of a good courage”
(Joshua 1:9)
Today I am more confident than I ever was before, I am courageous and bold because the spirit of God dwells in me. The devil has been fighting me hardcore he uses other people to discourage me, I don’t blame people when they do me wrong anymore because I know it’s the devil using those people to get to me, I know who my enemy is, I fight him in prayer and he doesn’t give up, so I keep praying and God does the rest in the spiritual realm. The devil has already been defeated yet he doesn’t give up.
 Don’t give up on God he is alive and he’s ready to fight for you till the end.
I sin daily knowingly and unknowingly yet God still loves me that’s because I kneel down and repent of my sins, I forgive myself and others so that God can forgive me.
“I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me” Philippians 4:13
“I am in God’s hands the kingdom of God is within me” Luke 17:21
God is with me nothing can defeat me. I receive power from God.

Hope to hear from you all feel free to comment,
 Let's connect add me to your circles on google plus and feel free to follow I will follow back always.
Thank you.


Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Amen, that's exactly iwas talking to some youths here, change has got hard price to pay, sometimes it cost you people you love the most

Unknown said...

This is such a beautiful post. Thank you for this message today! <3

Missymayification said...

This is a great post, mi lady. May God continue to shine His light upon us and strengthen us to be the doers of His word/seek him. The writing is coming on beautifully, - proud of you. :)

MLB said...

Amen brother he is a living GOD...!

MLB said...

They will face trials but it is worth it God is able to do just what he said he will do and more..1

MLB said...

We give God all the glory... You welcome

MLB said...

We give him all they glory. Thank you my lady :)xxx

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