Tuesday 28 June 2016


Blessed morning to God be the glory I woke up in good health and my mind at peace I hope you woke up feeling the same too.
I remember there was a time when I would go bed and hesitate to wake up the next morning, because there were just too many problems in my life and I didn’t want to face them. My mind was overloaded with so much junk, well that’s how I see it now, it was all junk. You see most of our battles are in our minds it all starts in the mind. Now I shield my mind with the word of God, very powerful weapon sharper than any two-edged sword (Hebrews 4:12) KJV
Fight your battles on your knees. This world can turn you bitter if you not careful enough, you see what the enemy does is to keep you away from praying and reading the word of God, he makes sure he keeps you very busy. Once he has you busy enough he doesn’t care or worry about anything else you do, as long as he keeps you away from kneeling down and having a relationship with your Maker.
Have you ever had peace that you don’t understand? I am experiencing that in my life right now. No matter what the devil tries to throw at me I send it back with the word of God. We all fight battles daily either at work or at home. We need to learn to fight the right way, we push our own buttons by trying to fight back which leaves us feeling drained and over thinking. Have you ever kneeled down to pray and got up feeling angry or disappointed? The moment you let God fight for you everything becomes clear and he gives you peace, fills your heart with joy. But if you chose to fight on your own you will always be miserable and blame others for your misery. I am talking from experience believe me it’s not worth it to fight a battle you cannot win. Be still and know that he is God he doesn’t need your help let him do what only he can do. Read (Psalm 46:10) KJV
Now I am relaxed knowing God has everything under control. I speak his word over every situation. I can handle whatever life throws at me on my knees by praying. Read (Philippians 4:1-7) KJV
Thank you for reading may God fill your mind with his Peace. May you be blessed today, tomorrow and forever. Repent and Surrender trust him and he will take over and give you rest. You are blessed more than you will ever know.
Come again soon, I love you with the love of God. All Glory belongs to God.
God Bless.


Unknown said...

Amen, there is power when we are on our knees, God is filling me with testimonies

MLB said...


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